LIMS Training Courses

Xybion LIMS training courses

  • Duration: 1 Day

    Xybion LIMS System Administrator Course

    This workshop is perfect to get you up and running with the Xybion LIMS solution. Setup substances and tests including limits and calculations, add and manage users and learn key administrator knowledge. If you are new to Xybion LIMS, either as a new starter or because your company or site is new to Xybion LIMS, this is the ideal course. It will teach you all you need to know to setup and use Xybion LIMS LIMS in your laboratory.
  • Duration: 3 Days

    Xybion LIMS Configuration Course

    This course is ideal for anyone who will configure the Matrix solution. Create and modify screens to suit the way you work. Please download the brochure below for details of the course and pre-requisite requirements.
  • Duration: 1 Day

    Xybion LIMS Basic Reporting Course

    This training course will teach you how to create custom reports to supplement the reports already supplied with your Matrix systems. For instance, create certificates of analysis and management reports showing throughput and efficiency of the laboratory. Please download the brochure below for details of the course and pre-requisite requirements.
  • Duration: 1 Day

    Xybion LIMS Advanced Reporting Course

    The course follows on from the Basic Reporting course and provides the attendee(s) with the skills to create the more complex reports including formulas and charts. This follow-on course fills out your knowledge and allows you to master the creation of advanced reports. Please download the brochure below for details of the course and prerequisite requirements.

Current Course Availability

UK Online Training Courses

  • Course # TRG004

    Xybion LIMS System Administrator Course

    • 15th April 2024
    • 1st July 2024
    • 9th September 2024
    • 18th November 2024
    • 20th January 2025
    • 7th April 2025
    • 30th June 2025
    • 8th September 2025
    • 17th November 2025
  • Course # TRG005

    Xybion LIMS Configuration Course

    • 16th April — 18th April, 2024
    • 2nd July — 4th July, 2024
    • 10th September — 12th September, 2024
    • 19th November — 21st November, 2024
    • 21st January — 23rd January, 2025
    • 8th April — 10th April, 2025
    • 1st July — 3rd July, 2025
    • 9th September — 11th September, 2025
    • 18th November — 20th November, 2025
  • Course # TRG006

    Xybion LIMS Basic Reporting Course

    • 19th April 2024
    • 5th July 2024
    • 13th September 2024
    • 22nd November 2024
    • 11th April 2025
    • 4th July 2025
    • 12th September 2025
    • 21st November 2025
  • Course # TRG007

    Xybion LIMS Advanced Reporting Course

    • 25th April 2024
    • 11th July 2024
    • 19th September 2024
    • 28th November 2024
    • 15th April 2025
    • 10th July 2025
    • 18th September 2025
    • 27th November 2025

Get the most out of your system

Xybion LIMS training services brochure

Autoscribe offers a selection of training courses to assist users and system administrators to gain maximum benefit from the investment in the Xybion LIMS family.

Training Cover

On-site training


Book a LIMS training course today

Please phone +44 (0)118 984 0610 or +1 508 457 7911 or +61 8 7073 6187 or use our contact form for details