Press releases: News
New LIMS Functionality on Display at Lab Innovations 2023
19th September 2023

New LIMS Functionality on Display at Lab Innovations 2023
Stand K24, Lab Innovations, NEC Birmingham, UK - Nov 1-2, 2023
Autoscribe Informatics are highlighting key developments in its Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) at the UK’s largest dedicated exhibition for laboratory professionals, Lab Innovations 2023. New or updated features on show will include an improved laboratory execution system (LES), a new subcontracting module, an improved audit reporting function, and federated single sign-on (SSO) functionality.
The Laboratory Execution System (LES) guides laboratory staff through a defined workflow or Standard Operating Procedure to help ensure that the correct preparation and test workflow steps are followed, ensuring the validity of the end results. An unlimited number of workflow steps and highly flexible interface ensures that laboratory processes can be accurately modelled.
The sub-contracting module allows laboratories to easily manage testing done by external laboratories. The module manages the contractor information, which samples they are shipped, the tests performed on them, and the results of that testing. This allows a complete chain of custody to be maintained.
As auditing requirements become even more demanding the improved audit reporting functionality enables an instant audit review of each sample. It shows what preparation and testing has been done on each sample, by whom and when, as well as any available test results. If chain of custody actions have been applied to samples these are shown as are all versions of any test results that have been changed (together with who changed them, when and the reason for the change). While this data has always been available it is now simple to view from a single source.
Federated single sign-on functionality allows users to login to the LIMS application using corporate login credentials. This simplifies user support for corporate IT teams and is increasingly requested to ease integration, especially in today’s cloud-based IT environments.
Matrix Gemini LIMS is developed using an agile development methodology allowing monthly enhancements to be released to the field. “Fast, tightly managed, development cycles allow us to provide critical new functionality to meet customer needs well within the timescale of a LIMS project. The speed of our development cycles differentiates us from other LIMS vendors,” said Simon Wood, Product Marketing Manager. “Customers have the flexibility to upgrade when they wish, using the built-in upgrade tools which automates the effort. The combination of regular fast releases, strong support and customer focus makes Autoscribe unique in the LIMS industry.”