Press releases
Matrix Gemini LIMS Customer Survey Delivers Positive Results
29th July 2016
The results of Autoscribe Informatics’ annual survey conducted to gather customer opinions about the Matrix Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) has once again produced very positive results. More than 95% of customers reported that they would recommend Matrix to others, while 73% cite “flexibility/configurability” as the most liked feature of the Matrix Gemini LIMS. The survey was carried out at the end of 2015 amongst Matrix customers from the USA, UK and the Rest of the World.
John Boother, Managing Director at Autoscribe Informatics, commented: “These annual surveys are hugely important to us as they provide a snapshot of how our customers perceive the product itself as well as all aspects of our customer service from pre-sales consultancy to system implementation. Whilst each question in the survey has a scoring system that allows us to see the overall trends in our performance, we also closely examine the individual comments made. These can be very informative and often sow the seeds of how we might do things differently to further improve.”

“We were delighted with the positive response,” he continued. “Overall, respondents rated our pre-sales consultancy at 9 out of 10, implementation service at 8 out of 10 and helpdesk assistance at 9 out of 10, which are excellent results. Nonetheless there is still room for improvement here and in other aspects of our customer service, so we will continue to address all of these areas.”
In addition to the general high scores recorded during the survey, many customers expressed their satisfaction in other ways. These included plans to upgrade their current version of Matrix; add more licenses; expand the use of Matrix to other departments and expand the use of Matrix to other sites.