Press releases
Business Information Management Further Enhances LIMS Capabilities
21st March 2016
In many laboratory environments, it is essential to ensure that staff are trained to use specific instruments and/or to conduct specific tests before the work is scheduled. Competency Tracker is a module that integrates seamlessly into the Matrix Gemini LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) from Autoscribe Informatics to allow monitoring of the training status and needs of staff. Competency Tracker is a component of the Matrix Gemini Quality Management Suite that forms part of Autoscribe’s Business Information Management System (BIMS). This means that the system can not only be used as part of a LIMS but can equally easily be applied independently to skill level monitoring across any business environment.
Ernest Jackson, a manufacturer of medicated confectionery and vitamin pastilles, has installed the Competency Tracker module to replace a system based on spreadsheets that were previously used to track employee skills and training requirements. Competency Tracker provided a more integrated solution to automate the scheduling of training modules and refresher courses across the many and varied training requirements of the entire workforce and produce reports on completed activities. A case study on this use of Competency Tracker can be downloaded from here:

With a workforce covering manufacturing, administration and warehousing operations, Ernest Jackson has to manage a diverse range of skill sets and training requirements. Competency Tracker acts as a link between the Environmental Health and Safety and Human Resources departments and allows the matching of the competencies of staff to the specific needs of their role within the company.
The software ensures that staff have their skills assessed and offers management insight into skills gained to establish if further training is required. Initial training dates and refresher courses can be automatically scheduled from within the system and staff confirmation recorded. Certificates of competency can be created, distributed and stored as historical records for skills are acquired.
John Boother, Managing Director at Autoscribe Informatics, commented: “In addition to Competency tracking, the BIMS Quality Management Suite features modules for Asset Management, Customer Feedback, Audit Planning, Document Management and CAPA (Corrective and Preventative Action Management). It provides unique future-proofing capabilities by easily adapting to suit specific company needs both now and in the future. This software will also help facilitate compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO/TS 16949 for regulated companies to reduce risk, liability and costs.”