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Case studies - Materials & Mining

Materials & Mining

Tungsten West Using Xybion LIMS to Grade Ore

Tungsten West is preparing to produce tungsten and tin once again from its mine in the southwest of the UK. The laboratory uses XRF spectrometry extensively to analyze the ore and concentrate samples taken as the material is refined. It has adopted industry best practices, including the use of Xybion LIMS (formerly Matrix Gemini LIMS), to help ensure mineral assays are accurate and data is traceable.

Solution: LIMS

Tungsten West

Materials & Mining

Web Access to LIMS Results Speeds Up Roofing Materials Assessments

A major building materials company has replaced the use of sets of proprietary worksheets to collate test results with a Xybion LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System). Manufacturing lines are now better connected providing faster test results, in turn speeding up quality assessments and decisions on whether the product meets the required specifications.

Solution: LIMS

Roofing Materials Company

Materials & Mining

Xybion LIMS Helps Biomass Energy Lab Deliver Accurate Test Results In A Timely Manner

BEL provides analytical testing services for both the domestic and international biomass fuel markets allowing producers and users to comply with any standard/certification system​. As an ISO 17025 accredited lab, BEL understands the biomass export market and knows what it takes to move product overseas successfully.​

Solution: LIMS

Timber Products Inspection / Biomass Energy Lab

Materials & Mining

Xybion LIMS Brings Time Savings and Efficiency Gains

By replacing an inflexible LIMS with Xybion LIMS, the analytical laboratory at a leading metal refiner has been able to incorporate 100% of its test records and results.

Solution: LIMS

A world leader in mining nickel

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