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LIMS Australia | The best choice
Discover how Australian LIMS users can benefit from Matrix Gemini LIMS
19th September 2019

There are plenty of reasons why anyone needing a LIMS in Australia should look no further than Matrix Gemini from Autoscribe Informatics. These include:
- A team of LIMS sales and support experts based in Australia
- A versatile system that can be configured to the needs of any laboratory
- A LIMS solution that is being successfully used in a host of industries, including environmental/water, dairy/farming/veterinary, biobanking, mining/petrochemical, food/viticulture and research/contract laboratories
- A LIMS that can help to meet ISO and NATA requirements
These factors have combined to establish a growing LIMS customer base for Matrix Gemini both in Australia and the wider Australasian region.
Versatile system
There are a multitude of ways in which the workflow of laboratories differs; starting from the way samples are submitted for testing, through the sample lifecycle to the point at which results are authorized, reported and the work potentially charged or invoiced. Matrix Gemini LIMS is characterized by its powerful and very easy to use Configuration Tools, which provide the flexibility to support these different needs and working practices. They allow the setup and modification of workflows, screen designs, menu designs, terminology, numbering schemes, report formats and much more without the need for programming or esoteric scripting languages. In this way, the LIMS can be configured to exactly match the laboratory’s specific requirements rather than adapting laboratory processes to match the LIMS. This configuration layer is completely independent of the underlying system code, which means that any Matrix Gemini LIMS, in Australia or anywhere else, can easily be adapted to keep pace with changing requirements and that the system can grow with any changing user needs.
The LIMS Australia team
Meeting the Australian LIMS market needs
The extraordinary versatility offered by Matrix Gemini means that it can be adapted for use in laboratories within any industry. With successful Autoscribe LIMS installations in the food, beverage, veterinary, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, biobanking, environmental, water, materials, mining, medical device, healthcare, medical, pathology, contract laboratories and beyond, the key industries in Australia are covered. Importantly, market-specific demonstrations can be configured, so would-be Australian LIMS users can see exactly how the system could work for them. This flexible configuration also offers benefits for any organisation with multiple laboratories in different locations within the country or for global organizations. The configuration tools allow different user experiences at each site to be optimized to fit local requirements – it is not necessary to have the same user interface at each laboratory. Importantly, though, the core code of the system is identical for all sites and may be hosted on one or more servers depending on the architecture required. The configurations for the different sites are simply stored as configuration files within the system database. In addition, Matrix Gemini is supplied with a web-based user interface as well as the traditional Windows-based desktop interface. The browser interface allows remote users to log in and enter data using a tablet or other mobile device, while the desktop interface is designed for use on PCs within the laboratory.
LIMS Australia - Local support
Organizations with a Matrix Gemini LIMS in Australia will benefit from local support. Autoscribe Informatics Pty Ltd is based in Adelaide, South Australia, with a regional office in Perth. The office in Adelaide provides a workplace for technical support and sales staff as well as a learning space for customer and distributor training. Heading up the operation is Director Australasia and the Asia Pacific, Bob Blunden. Bob has over 35 years of experience in Information Technology and Laboratory Informatics, having previously been Regional Manager at STARLIMS Australasia and a Director of Informatics, Asia Pacific, at both Thermo Electron and Waters Corporation. The organization has been further strengthened recently with the appointments of Jodie Poole as Technical Sales Consultant, Chris Blunden as Senior Technical Consultant and Nik Butakov as Technical Consultant, bringing even more experience to the team, and allowing expansion to support a wider distributor network across the whole Asia Pacific region. Contact the team here.
Keeping up the standards
Matrix Gemini can also help with many other laboratory management functions to improve efficiency and help support the needs of industry standards and regulations such as ISO/IEC 17025 and GxP. By providing access to a variety of operational and management data from a single integrated source many of the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 can be addressed. The National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA) is Australia’s national body for the accreditation of laboratories, inspection bodies, calibration services, producers of certified reference materials and proficiency testing scheme providers throughout Australia. It is also Australia’s compliance monitoring authority for the OECD Principles of GLP. Since NATA uses a number of standards that define the basic criteria for accreditation, including ISO/IEC 17025, many LIMS in Australia are required to support laboratories to achieve NATA accreditation.