Blog: Applications

Testing the Limits in LIMS - Part 1

6th April 2024

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One of the many benefits of implementing a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is the reduction, or elimination, of potential user error and the consistent application of standard operating procedures. Nowhere is this more important than in checking test results against predefined limits. These limits may refer to the test itself, for example it should not be possible to record a result of 15 for a pH measurement. Alternatively, they may refer to a product being tested where, for example, it is important to ensure results are compared to the correct product specification. A flexible LIMS will allow different types of limits to be defined to meet these different requirements, and ensure the checking occurs consistently. However, how these limits should be applied may be misunderstood and requires careful planning. This article therefore discusses different types of limits and how these can be applied within a LIMS.

Sylvain mauroux m6wb WMF6p9s unsplash zoom no credit needed
  • Test Limit Types In LIMS