Blog: Business

Sample Tracking is Essential for Organizations that Outsource Laboratory Testing Activities

26th January 2024

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  • In House Vs External Labs
    In-House Vs External Laboratory Workflows


All too often the internal laboratory is seen as a cost center. It requires expensive specialist staff, highly priced laboratory equipment and costly laboratory consumables. Using a contract laboratory can remove these overheads, though the in-house technical/project manager will still need to assess results to be sure product standards are being maintained.

Filing Cabinet

The alternative methodology is to provide the information in a format that a Sample Tracking system can upload directly, and associate it with the relevant samples, product, or batch. This information is available more quickly as it does not need to be processed manually, and it also avoids typographical errors through manual data entry. If certificates of analysis are provided these can also be associated with the relevant samples, product, or batch. Adopting this approach ensures that the data needed to make product usage or release decisions is quickly available, accurate and accessible.

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