Blog: Business
Improving Laboratory Efficiency with Matrix Gemini
14th December 2017

Matrix Gemini LIMS provides many ways in which the efficiency of the laboratory can be improved. In recent blog posts, we’ve concentrated on the instrument side of things. Matrix iPlanner optimizes laboratory instrument usage by taking into consideration the booking of pre-requisite tests, the test order, sample availability dates and instrument capacities.
Meanwhile, the Instrument Calibration and Management System (ICMS) allows the operational status of the analytical instrumentation and equipment to be optimized by ensuring that it is not only operating within specification but also that it is being properly maintained and serviced according to the manufacturers’ recommendations.
Matrix Scheduler, however, is an optional module for Matrix Gemini that can also improve efficiency, this time by concentrating on the scheduling of laboratory activities in conjunction with staff availability.
Easing the workload
Users can automatically schedule reports, worklists, registration of samples and many other laboratory tasks. In this way, activities can be managed more efficiently and significant savings in staff time can be made. Multiple jobs such as sample/batch registration can be automatically scheduled to save personnel time. Staff holidays can be specified to ensure tasks are not scheduled during these or other times when personnel are not available such as weekends. Any repetitive tasks that might fall in these periods are automatically moved to the next available date. Reports can be set up to run on any date or time, including ‘out of hours’ so staff do not have to manually trigger them. Similarly, work lists, summary reports and the operational status of samples/tests can be run so they are ready for the next working day or the required operational deadline.
Scheduling flexibility
An easy to use interface allows flexible scheduling in a number of ways, based on dates, times, days of the week and other parameters. Examples of schedules include:
- Daily: e.g. every day at 14:34
- Weekly: e.g. every Tuesday at 07:41
- Monthly by day of the month: e.g. on the 22nd day of every month at 12:08
- Monthly by the week of month and day of the week: e.g. on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 04:13
- Yearly by month of year and day of the month: e.g. at 10:24 on the 12th of March every year
- Yearly by month of the year, week of the month and day of the week: e.g. at 14:45 on the 3rd Saturday in October every year
- Period: e.g. every 4 days, 7 hours and 12 minutes
Current and future schedules can be viewed from anywhere on the network to verify and check logs to confirm that schedules have been run. Matrix Scheduler also supports a full audit listing, allowing all changes made to a schedule to be seen and reviewed, making it suitable for use in regulated environments.
Scheduling external tasks
In addition to scheduling tasks within Matrix Gemini, Scheduler can also trigger external programs. These could include email reminders, reports, backups, any Microsoft program etc. so that they are ready for staff arriving at work or prior to important meetings or deadlines.