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Have you tried the LIMS Configuration Challenge?
2nd November 2015

"The proof of the pudding is in the eating" is the old UK saying that still has resonance today in the unlikely environment of Laboratory Information Management Systems. The adage is saying that you can’t tell how good the food is until you actually try it and in a very real sense that is true in the LIMS world. If you look at the features list and claimed capabilities from almost any LIMS supplier you might be hard put to separate some from others – price might be a factor, presence in a market might be another, but what could be more powerful than actually seeing the product you’re interested in working in your environment, dealing with your type of workflow before you buy?
Interestingly, Autoscribe Informatics’ customers frequently get just that opportunity at the product demonstration stage of the buying cycle. Once the list of potential suppliers has been whittled down to 3 or 4, customers frequently request a product demonstration. The inherent customization options of Matrix Gemini LIMS mean that with relatively little effort, we can demonstrate part of a system with screens that replicate the requirements of the particular laboratory. And this produces a very positive result – many, many of our customers tell us that the prime reason that they chose Matrix Gemini was that they could see exactly how they might use it long term. But perhaps more importantly, they could appreciate how easy it was to configure the system for a demonstration – and if it is easy to configure for a targeted demonstration they had the confidence that it would be straightforward to configure the full system.
Case Studies
We publish case studies on a regular basis on this site from a diverse range of industries, and if you take a look at these, you will find many of our customers report that the practical demonstration was a key factor in their decision to buy, and it is not uncommon for customers to tell us that ‘Autoscribe was the only vendor who could show us a configured demonstration!’
Configuration Challenge
We call this the “Configuration Challenge’ and it is something we do on a regular basis at exhibitions – inviting visitors to our booth to describe their requirements and then creating a bespoke sample registration or submission screen that is specifically relevant to their needs and doing it right in front of their eyes! This powerful demonstration of the extraordinary versatility of Matrix Gemini has proved to be very successful and we have even sold systems as a direct consequence of doing this at an exhibition. The trouble is, exhibitions are relatively few and far between, and you may not have the time to travel long distances to visit one, so we don’t restrict the ‘Configuration Challenge’ to exhibitions – anyone involved in the buying process for a LIMS is more than welcome to contact us directly and put us to the test – we just love rising to a challenge!!
Contact us today to start your challenge: