Blog: Applications
Does Your LIMS Need a Tune Up?
2nd December 2020

It might now be several years since you first deployed your LIMS, but have you paid it the attention it deserves? Your laboratory could be running much greater sample numbers or your lab processes and workflows may have changed over time. It could be time to think about a ‘tune up’.
Autoscribe Informatics prides itself in delivering solutions that meet our customers’ needs. You will have identified your initial requirements, possibly through one of our on-site requirement definition workshops. The trouble is your requirements may have changed over time. Luckily, with its built-in configuration tools, Matrix Gemini LIMS is designed for change. It can evolve with your needs and adapt to the changes. Surprisingly, small configuration changes can make a big difference to the efficiency of your laboratory operation.
Get More by Optimizing Your LIMS
The good news is our experienced technical services team can help you get the most from your Matrix Gemini implementation. Changes to working practices or sample throughput may have resulted in workflow bottlenecks that can easily be resolved by redesigning some existing screens, and overall system performance can be reviewed.
Deeper improvements can be made by analyzing how the key business and operational needs have changed since the initial project. New or extended functionality within Matrix Gemini may now be available to optimize the current work processes, screens, and workflows to meet these needs. Over the last 5 years we have had several significant releases of the Matrix Gemini system that have introduced new features and extended the range of functions built into the underlying software. One important benefit of a LIMS is automatic instrument data capture. While commonly talked about it is often not implemented, especially in the first phase of a LIMS project. However, it is an area that can bring significant benefits by automating data capture and eliminating transcription errors. Our MIDAS (Matrix Instrument Data Acquisition System) product allows you to connect your instruments to your Matrix LIMS. As you would expect the software has also developed to take advantage of changes to the underlying technology including Microsoft .NET, web browsers and databases. The good news is that Matrix Gemini LIMS constantly evolves to keep your laboratory efficient.
Visualize Data and Drive Laboratory Efficiency
Your management reports may also not have been updated for years and may no longer show the data you want. Yet, making minor alterations to templates that use Crystal Reports is straightforward, and the benefits gained can save you hours of work. In a similar way the data in your management dashboard, showing sample throughput, lab bottlenecks, productivity, and so forth might no longer be what is needed. As an alternative why not consider implementing a data analytics tool such as Microsoft’s PowerBI to bring together data from multiple sources including LIMS.

Professional Services to Maximize Your Profits
The Autoscribe Informatics team has decades of experience in implementing and optimizing LIMS solutions, and can help you whatever your needs:
- Performance tuning to ensure your system is working optimally
- Database archiving to limit size of the active dataset and improve performance
- Optimizing solution architecture and system configuration
- Augmenting management and other Crystal Reports
- Adding Staff Competency, Inventory, Instrument maintenance, CAPA and other modules
- Integrating instruments using MIDAS
- System validation
- End-User training
- Administrator training
If you think you need a tune up contact our support team today.